[Vwdiesel] pressure

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Tue Nov 18 01:53:36 EST 2003

[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
  It's quiet common to blow a head gasket on these and not intermingle oil
coolant.  Not sure that I've EVER seen coolant in the oil and only about half

of the time see oil in the coolant.  The gaskets often blow between cylinders

2 and 3 or into a coolant passage around 4 or sometimes 1.  Since the
pressurized oil is as far away as you can get, between 3 and 4, it isn't
likely to blow into there.  Sometimes the seal around the oil will fail and
put oil
into the coolant while compression is still fine!
  Sometimes it's dirt or oil left during assembly.  Sometimes forgetting to
do a retorque step, warped head, ding on the head or block or just a plain
  One of mine failed due to running water with a 92C stat.  Localized boiling

was happening before the stat would open.  The vapor insulated the stat
so that it WOULDN'T open, it blew the gasket.  Never even warped the
head.  Not enough to do a permanant warp anyway.  This was with Raceware
even. I don't run with straight water even to flush, (like I was doing)
Not with that high of a stat anyway.

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