[Vwdiesel] Fuel Diesel 101 --- ( Remember to add lubricant to winter diesel )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Nov 21 09:49:16 EST 2003

Canada and northern States is beginning to sell "THIN"  crappy fuel.      ( this written  21 Nov 2003 ) .    There are a number of ways to get by on the cheap.        Use stanadyne if you can afford it ----for the rest of us here are a couple of tips.

Best of all lubes is one with a high cetane number and clean burning.   A cup of canola pr fillup  (steal from kitchen)    or a cup of heavy straight engine oil.   Aviation oil is best (better crude)  and can be had in Ashless Dispersant.    Underline no ash.  If you doubt the importance  --look up price for Injection pumps or rebuilding.       Have fun                    Hagar.

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