Fw: [Vwdiesel] exhaust

Gerry Wolfe gerry.wolfe at sympatico.ca
Thu Oct 2 16:47:11 EDT 2003

On my '91 Jetta TD, the first "muffler" is/was a resonator.  Methinks you
could simply cut out & replace rusted piping up to the muffler, inspectors
prob'ly wouldn't know the difference.

I went to 2.5" SS exhaust all the way thru, wasn't cheap.

rgds, g.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Kenneth E. Oldrid" <koldrid at uvm.edu>
To: "Scott Alexander" <salex at dsl.cis.upenn.edu>
Cc: "vwdiesel list" <vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Thursday, October 02, 2003 14:17
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] exhaust

> I have a similar exhaust question:
> I picked up a 91 diesel jetta (N/A) for my brother. It looks like someone
> removed the 1st of 2 inline mufflers. Well, that section of piping is all
> and breaking apart. I would like to find an inexpensive route to fix this,
> he needs an inspection (MA). Does anyone know if the inspection checks for
> multiple mufflers? I hope not.
> I've heard people using 2.5" exhaust, how much would someone charge for
> Would it be different price than the stock size? His muffler seems to be
> so maybe the stock route would be cheaper.
> thanks,
> Ken
> > I'm trying to sort out what exhaust should be on my car and what exhaust
> > I want on my car.  The car is a 1982 Rabbit that I just bought and which
> > appears to have various previous owner modifications.  Looking at the
> > parts CD, I believe that I should have a connecting pipe connected to
> > the header and the muffler hooked on at the rear.  In particular, it
> > looks like I don't need a corrugated pipe and that I don't need a
> > pre-muffler.
> >
> > Thus, the questions are: 1) Am I correct that that was the original
> > configuration?  2) Is there any advantage to going to the later exhaust
> > with the pre-muffler? 3) Alternately, is there some aftermarket exhaust
> > that I should use and avoid all these questions?  The car needs a number
> > of things, so I'd like to cheap out on the exhaust this time at least.
> >
> > Thanks,
> > Scott
> > --
> > Scott Alexander <salex at dsl.cis.upenn.edu>
> >
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