[Vwdiesel] exhaust

Kenneth E. Oldrid koldrid at uvm.edu
Sun Oct 5 19:20:43 EDT 2003

Thanks to Loren, Al, and others for their exhaust ideas and comments.
I think we will aim to replace the rusted section with a straight pipe and
clamps, if the other pipes are still useable. Unfortunatley my brother lives
300 miles away from me. Otherwise I could have helped him repair it by now!


> Well, that section of piping is all rusty
> and breaking apart. I would like to find an inexpensive route to fix this,
> as
> he needs an inspection (MA). Does anyone know if the inspection checks for
> multiple mufflers? I hope not.
>   No inspections here but I'd expect they'd be looking for leaks in your
> case.
> They'll look for emission equipment such as cats but it sounds like they
> might
> red flag that pipe for leaks into the passenger compartment.  Eventhough
> diesel doesn't have the CO hazard that gassers do.  :)
> > I've heard people using 2.5" exhaust, how much would someone charge for
> > that?
> > Would it be different price than the stock size? His muffler seems to be
> > good,
> > so maybe the stock route would be cheaper
>   The additional cost would be for the difference in price of the larger
> pipe
> over
> the smaller, as well as replacing the whole system rather than just a bad
> piece.
> 2 1/2 is more in line for a TD.  2 to 2 1/4 is enough for a NA.  I'd guess
> an
> independant shop would charge around $250 for a complete system.
>      Loren
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