[Vwdiesel] possible valve seal

Bryan Belman dieselwesty at yahoo.com
Tue Oct 14 15:05:01 EDT 2003

Sorry, no advice here.
Seems no one is on this list as of late.

I am looking to see if any of the regulars know the
e-mail address of a guy from State College, PA, his
name is Brad Flagerty, not sure about the last name.
My 1.9NA westy is dead in Penn State now, looks like
the timing cam slipped or something and distroyed #1
intake lifter, keeper, etc. and #3 exhaust valve.
Timing belt did not break, no clue what the hell

So, if anyone has his e-mail, I need to talk to him.
I gave him my old 1.6NA motor about 2 years ago, but
lost contact.

Bryan Belman
Pt. Pleasant, NJ
new 04 Jetta TDI wagon on the way.

--- AndreANDY2 at aol.com wrote:
> I have a 1.6td seaping oil out between the cly head
> and exh manifold #4 only
> All four cylinders good even compression . head done
> 20,000 kms ago
> (guides,Exh valves), swaped turbos still the same.
> advice appreciated.
>        Thanks Andy
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Bryan Belman, Pt Pleasant, NJ
82 Westfalia Diesel, 1.9L NA hybrid
90 Audi 200, 2.2L Turbo FWD
70 Type 1 Beetle, restored

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