[Vwdiesel] Glowplugs ---- ( Good news for Old Volks owners.)

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Sep 15 14:05:34 EDT 2003

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Winter is on its way , so I feel compelled to write this now.      Stealer-=
ships and service-people will tell you to throw out the old (still OK) plug=
s , and buy all coppertop (brass) and a new relay (expense) ----- I say bal=
derdash. The new plugs will work in all systems. The old ones will not.    =
  So you see no need for new relay. In the old system the new plugs will pr=
obably outlast the car.     For the beginners : Use a test-lamp connected t=
o the first plug (#4)  and start engine ,if it goes out immediately ---it i=
s system 1. (old)    if it stays on for some time it is system 2.  (new).  =
 The original reason for afterglow --was pollution required.  But it comes =
with a side benefit for engines with a low compression cylinder. It helps g=
etting it going .      On the old systems here I put on a manual afterglow =
for that reason.Works like a charm. But be careful not to overdo the old pl=
ugs. 10 sec cycles would be reasonable.Do the test on a COLD engine.       =
PS: I was informed that the old plugs are no longer available --stands to r=
eason if you understand above.

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