[Vwdiesel] Archives question --- ( for the computer Wizards )

Mark LaPlante laplante at mac.com
Tue Sep 16 21:12:15 EDT 2003

Nate, et al.

I believe the plastic tray is intact. I think maybe the airbox that
sits below it was broken by the PO and repaired poorly. It has one hole
that was sealed with some black silicone, and I have temporarily taped
over it with some electrical tape. The airbox itself is all sealed up
with white silicone where it meets the bottom of the rain tray, and I
think I am going to have to cut it open if I need to access it from
that side.

The car exhibits lots of quick and dirty cosmetic repairs like the
bumper end caps being held on with some wire, all courtesy of the PO.

germanimports.com comes up with a 404 - Not Found. Did you mean
Adirondack (germanautoparts.com)? They have a blower that says for
non-A/C cars for a reasonable price ($97.50).

I will take a look at loosening the dashboard and maybe take some
pictures of the problem with the airbox. Might not get to it until this

Where is the vacuum hose that goes into the airbox supposed to attach
in the engine compartment? Should an 82 US-built Rabbit have one of
those under-hood reservoirs that looks like a bunch of plastic balls
molded together? If so, I'm missing that too -- ugh.

At least it starts and runs great (I think)!

Mark LaPlante
82 Rabbit Diesel LS
http://homepage.mac.com/laplante/PhotoAlbum8.html (I've cleaned it up a
bit since those photos were taken.)

On Monday, September 15, 2003, at 01:55 PM, Nate Wall wrote:

> Hmmmmmmm.......Check out germanimports.com for a new
> (reasonablly priced) blower motor.
> Is the leakage due to the plastic tray that is
> supposed to sit below the slots near the windshield
> being broken or missing?

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