[Vwdiesel] Injectors 1982 1,6L NA --( the bubbly kind )

H .Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Sep 20 07:36:26 EDT 2003

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I am tackling the same kind of problems right now .  !982 Rabbit 1.6L NA.. =
  Give us a bit more inf.. How do you test for bubblies ???.   I use dish l=
iquid.   The fact that we are dealing with an aluminium head , dictates a b=
it of caution.It is possible to make a tool from a heatshield ---  I used a=
n old one . A new one is probably better.We are trying to do something simi=
lar to a valve seating job. . To get the deposit cleaned out , if the injec=
tor was leaking for a long time is  time consuming.    By the way I pushed =
the crap inside .  The job here is not finished I am waiting to get new noz=
zles.    Have a spare (scrap) head for experimenting on , so if you have so=
me crazy idea I am willing to test it out. Test both the injector body and =
the injector to head thread. Use your imagination there are many ways to ge=
t it to seal.  Over-tightening should be last choice.  Let us know how you =
make out.
PS: Cleaning out "Fairly well" is not good enough.

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