[Vwdiesel] Bubbly injectors - uh oh.

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Sat Sep 20 16:11:21 EDT 2003

FWIW, I had a 1.6 which _did_ leak a tiny bit on #3 and #4.  Running, it was only
enough to just detect.  Many miles (100k++) later I had the injector out,
and didn't notice any erosion.  A new heatshield fixed #4 but not #3.  I
figured the total leak volume was EXTREMELY small.

Good luck.


> More on the bubbly injectors:
> The injectors themselves are old but fine.  I had the pressure re-set to 130
> bar and the bodies don't leak.
> I cleaned the threads and seating area with a pick to get in the tight
> spots, and yes, I pushed the gunk in too.
> I already replaced heat shield #1, It looked carboned with little chunks
> from only a few miles of driving, but the space between the injector and the
> head (the injector socket?) was squeaky clean!?  Strange.
> The bubbles are definitely coming from the head-injector seal.  I don't want
> to use any compound that will permanently lock the injectors in there.
> The PO had used some other kind of heat shield with a larger opening (I'll
> measure it later today.)  This other heat shield seems to have helped on
> cylinder #2, but not on cylinder #1.
> I found the bubbles because I was bleeding the injectors, and diesel was
> dribbling down onto the head.  Only one was bubbling at first, then two.
> Humph.
> I'm a bit worried that I'll make it worse by driving it around.
> Thanks,
> Will Taygan
> Concrete, WA
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