[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 59 .-- ( my bunny she no slows down ? ).

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Apr 7 18:41:28 EDT 2004

Some time ago one of you said that your Bunny did not seem
to slow down , when you took your foot off the pedal.

I stated  that         IMHO    it was a Bosch pump problem.

Today I  did  the testhill test that I said I would do.

VW diesels works just fine as a brake.   Hell I thought the Bunny was
going to stop deads to nails ---half way down the hill.

IMHO    lots of retarding from engine. ---    Val  Christian  next time you hit
your testhill  hows about it ???.

Hagar .

PS:   The testhill is where I test the Turbo   and all  ---going up the hill.

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