[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 59 .-- ( my bunny she no slows down ? ).

Erik Lane erikjlane at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 8 02:30:26 EDT 2004

oh yeah, i did some testing a little while back on a
1/4 mile STEEP hill near here. i ran 3 different cars
- a 2000 VW Jetta GL TDI, a 2000 VW Beetle GLS 2.0L
gasser, and a 1981 VW Jetta 1.6L diesel.

i ran each car down the hill multiple times, with
different starting speeds, and repeating some speeds
to make sure that i was getting correct times cause i
was surprised.

i thought that they would be simliar results between
the different cars, and that might have affected the
outcome, but it's still impressively close. there was
only 1 mph difference at the bottom of the hill
between all three cars! the gasser was the slower one
at the bottom each time so yes, it was very slightly
better at engine braking, but that one mph is so
insignificant in my mind that i wouldn't even bother
with it. the two diesels were the same, even though
the cars were so different in age, engine size, and
weight of the body.

so that's what i found, which even surprised me.

i just wasn't sure i should get this whole topic
started again or if anyone else would care that much.


--- "H.Hagar" <h_hagar at prcn.org> wrote:
> Some time ago one of you said that your Bunny did
> not seem
> to slow down , when you took your foot off the
> pedal.
> I stated  that         IMHO    it was a Bosch pump
> problem.
> Today I  did  the testhill test that I said I would
> do.
> VW diesels works just fine as a brake.   Hell I
> thought the Bunny was
> going to stop deads to nails ---half way down the
> hill.
> IMHO    lots of retarding from engine. ---    Val 
> Christian  next time you hit
> your testhill  hows about it ???.
> Hagar .
> PS:   The testhill is where I test the Turbo   and
> all  ---going up the hill.
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