[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 65 -- ( Experiments )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Apr 16 16:21:54 EDT 2004

A member asked me about "Airhead"  VW diesel .   Or more correctly would a
VW airhead work on diesel fuel ???

Answer is yes.    (but that does not make it a DIESEL).

Denmark 1956 or so  , Gasoline was expensive ------- cooking kerosene was cheap.

So I used kerosene in my Harley   (1926model)   worked like a charm.

So the modification to a VW airhead to run on diesel # 1 is minimal. (# 2 may work).

And hows about the VW diesel with sparkplugs replacing the glowplugs ??? .

Propane , Butane,Housegas,Alcohol,Canola,Carbon Monoxide,Lubeoil,Acetylene,
need I go on ???.      My favorite is splitting water , electrically. Have I done ???
bet your sweet ass.   Getting Oxygen at one electrode and Hydrogen at the other
really turns my crank.

To entertain the grandkids it makes a good big bang. Just fill a toy balloon.Or
try a bubble bath.


PS: Just watched a guy on CNN who claimed to make Dieselfuel from pig manure in
no time flat. So would you rather trail a Deepfryer or a Pigjuicer.?

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