[Vwdiesel] Fw: Power Generation --- ( electrical ) (fwd)

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Fri Apr 16 17:06:55 EDT 2004

Ah, I must have mis-read it.

But what a rip off!

They buy it for 1/2 cent and sell it for 6 cents. 1200% profit, not
counting the 'green' fees. 

  You misread again.  :)  (or I did)  It's buy it at $.005, tell the public 
costs $.06, (while you're telling your "suppliers" it's only $.005)  then 
sell it for .010.  More like 2000%.  Must be the cost of the bookeeping.

> It is stories like these that give credence to the guerrilla power 
> guys. 

  Here's the link to their home page.  The guerrilla story used to be on the 
front page somewhere.  Might have to search for it, if it's still online.  
had time to look here in a while.
 Home Power Magazine - Your Small Scale Renewable Energy (RE) Source 

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