[Vwdiesel] New Passat TDI - second impressions after 750 mile trip.

Hayden Chasteen dieseltdi at earthlink.net
Sun Apr 18 20:24:23 EDT 2004

Well I can now give a better description of how I feel about the car.  
I have gotten used to the  Tiptronic as it reacts very rapidly when 
asked although I still forget to put in in park before trying to take 
the key out. :P  Out trip took us on a 750 mile round trip over two 
days.  First day was all two lane highway with many towns, stop signs 
and stop lights.  I did this on purpose to help with the break in. I 
varied speed on an almost constant basis while cruising from a low of 
55 to a high of 70.  Trip was essentially all up hill as we gained 2300 
feet in the drive.  AC was only used for the last 2 hours.  Hard wind 
blowing almost head on to the car, actually at an angle to the drivers 
side.  Overall, car performed well although anyone who prefers a tight 
suspension will be disappointed as the car is very soft and any luxury 
car tends to be.  Not as soft as some big boat cars I have driven but 
soft.  Mileage was excellent for a car as big and as heavy as the 
Passat, on the outbound we got 36 mpg.  Return trip was mostly on the 
interstate but I still avoided the cruise control and varied my speed 
between 60 and 75 mph. Good tail wind but that only lasted about 1/2 
the trip then it developed as a crosswind.  When all was said and down 
car got 39 mpg.  I am very pleased since EPA ratings on the car is 27 
city and 38 on the highway.  Oil use was negligible for the trip.  More 
as things develop.  hayden

Visit my website at  www.home.earthlink.net/~dieseltdi
Proud owner of:
2004 Passat TDI GLS, 2.0l, 16 valve, 136 HP, 247 lb/ft of torque, Blue 
Graphite, Anthracite leather interior, ABS, ESP.
1998 Jetta TDI (Wetterauer Chipset, 2 1/2" exhaust, K&N Filter, propane 
dual fuel system, 109K+ miles, and running biodiesel)
1981 Rabbit Pickup ( with a freshly rebuilt turbo engine), Will burn 
biodiesel and WVO with a propane injection system.
One, yet to be finished, Caddy trailer (the back end of the truck that 
gave its life to my just completed Rabbit Pickup).
And many, many, many VWs; from a 1946 Beetle (11 Beetles total), to 
Vans (5), Rabbits (3), Karmen Ghia (1), Jettas (5), Passat (1), Dasher 
(1), New Beetle (1), and Rabbit Pickups (3) most now gone but not 

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