[Vwdiesel] Quantum-Theory

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Mon Apr 19 06:17:21 EDT 2004

[Well practice actually]
Went for a weekend up north...190 mile trip after my adding some diesel 'Redex' a few days earlier...

Going up at between 60 and 70 mph achieved 13.27 miles per litre... or 60.24 mpg (imperial)...or 4.71 litres per 100 km :op

230 miles back including  190 miles at between 65 and 75 [eager to be going home] and 40 mile dithering at the friends... 
returned 58.1 mpg [imp] or 12.8 miles per litre
or 7.82litre per100mile
or 4.88litre per 100km

Both journeys were better than previously managed [56mpg imp]
Can it be I'm a more sedate driver these days or did the Redex really make a difference...only used injector cleaner once before and I'd made other improvements at the same time [ie timing]

Car did 35-40 when acquired 4 years ago @130000 miles... now on about 160000 and doing 41- ...er 60 :oD
Can you guys please explain your use of  ATF [ is that auto box oil??]...never had an auto; and unless someone cuts my legs off...never will  ;o)

Mark (The Miser)Uk
"There's nothing more stimulating than driving past a bonfire and then realising it's your car that's smokin"

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