[Vwdiesel] RE: Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 6, Issue 31

TexasTDI texasvwdriver at hotmail.com
Fri Apr 23 11:44:13 EDT 2004

Thanks to the superiority of synthetic oils, you can safely increase your
drain interval.  VW says 7500 miles in the MK1 and MK2 using dino oil.  You
should easily be able to go 10k miles between oil changes with synthetic.
And I bet you could go as much as 15k miles per oil change.  But only an oil
analysis in a scientific lab (not a blotter test) can tell you for sure how
long to extend your drain intervals. I change the oil in my 1991 Jetta every
10k miles, same as my TDI.

Cost savings can be greater in gassers than in diesels.  If you drive 15k
miles per year and if you change the oil every 7500 miles, you'll spend
$12.54 per year in oil.  (2 gallons x $6.27 per gallon, Wal-Mart price).  If
you change every 5000 miles you'll spend $18.81 (3 x 6.27).  If you change
every 3000 miles you'll spend $31.35 (5 x 6.27).  BUT, if you use synthetic
you would probably only change you oil once a year at a cost of only $13
using Shell Rotella 5w-40, or $16 for AMSOIL 15w-40 (Preferred
Customer/Dealer price) or $21 a gallon for AMSOIL 15w-40 (retail price), or
$20 a gallon (estimate) for Mobil Delvac-1 5w-40.  You might not save much
money, but you still save money.  And you'd be doing your part to help
conserve oil and reduce our dependence on foreign oil.

In gassers the savings are quite substantial.  Quick-Lube charges $30 per
oil change.  15k miles per year equals 5 oil changes at a cost of $150 a
year.  AMSOIL XL-7500 oils offer 7500 mile oil changes.  15k miles a year
would only be 2 oil changes at a cost of only $50 per year for oil ($5 per
quart, 5 quarts per oil change).  $100 a year LESS using synthetic oil vs.
dino oil.

Christopher J. Thornton
1991 VW Jetta 2 Door 1.6 Diesel - 241k miles
2000 VW Golf 1.9 TDI (turbo diesel) - 99k miles
AMSOIL Synthetic Lubricants Dealer #1098500

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <LBaird119 at aol.com>
To: <Vwdiesel at vwfans.com>
Sent: Friday, April 23, 2004 10:14 AM
Subject: Re: [Vwdiesel] RE: Vwdiesel Digest, Vol 6, Issue 31

> > 60% of all the oil the U.S. used last year was foreign oil.
> >
>   I want to know HOW MUCH of that or all oil is used in the "motoring
> public's" cars, as fuel, as motor oil, etc.  I'd heard once how one day's
> use of oil by trains, planes and trucks was equal to some huge number
> of days or weeks of consumer use.  The other thing is how much of
> it is used for plastics, fabrics, carpet and so on.
>   Without a bypass filter, and changing oil yourself, I fail to see how
> doubling your change interval with an oil that's 3X the cost saves
> money, directly.  :)  With a bypass you can then exceed the 10K
> but recommended interval on our A1's is 7500mi.  I don't even let
> it go that far but I do go 5K rather than the often used 3K interval.
>      Loren

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