[Vwdiesel] Is my Altenator Terminal?.. Or is it a terminal

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Thu Aug 5 05:38:38 EDT 2004

You could try an alternator they work better! ...Sorry that was  a little rude ;o)
The voltage drop with a/c isnt this normal? Check the condition of your battery when on load  (when starting) with a meter on its terminals. Look for excessive V drops. Measure across thenewly installed isolator switch and from battery -ve post to earth and +ve post across its connector ...and any other heavy current line connectors such as as along the alternator o/p cable route Any drops approaching 0.5 volt need attention

Mark (The Miser)Uk 
"There's nothing more stimulating than driving past a bonfire and then realising it's your car that's smokin"


Whatever you Wanadoo:

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