[Vwdiesel] Glowplug issues. ---( Old Rabbits mostly )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Aug 10 16:08:53 EDT 2004

First of all I have a lot of respect for the technical and hands on experience
of Val Christian and Loren and Roger Brown and Gavrik Peterson and 
so on and --- WHY ?  well partly because they are kind enough to take the time
to let the rest of us know.

If I did not mention your name it was not intentional.

Val Chistian is using  # 14 copper wire for a jumper on glowplug fuse. Remember fuse
is aluminium or Zinc and it protects your Rabbit from fire, by melting.

Copper has a way higher melting point so you may wind up with a Rabbit pile
of ashes from instantaneous combustion (joking).

The fuse link must burn fast in case of short circuit in a plug or wiring. So jumping
fuse now becomes a Hillbilly issue --right?  or a highly technical issue if we ask Roger Brown.
(Charlie Brown)    Us hillbillies can handle that one.  We use the smallest copper wire that will carry
50 amps for say 10 minutes.--in death Valley in summer without melting.

IMHO   # 14  copper is way too big.     --------I have access to industrial motor overload
testers ,so for me ?  piece of cake.  Stick a piece of wire across terminals --look at
meter and see what amps and for how long to melt.   Testers have a Variac inside
so amperage can be set by operator.------  thousand AMPS ?  sure no problemo.

1 Amp ?  sure no problemo.   

For us hillbillies where is the FUN ?    ----  the trip to death valley Ca. ---that's where.

Use the VW fuse if you carry insurance ----- that is my advice.    And make sure you
keep the bill handy.

#  18  copper may be too big ?

IF you jumper fuse --like I know some of you did ----get the right fuse and install.
I think it is 50 Amps ?    Get a link from a factory --they used to have replaceable
links made out of Zinc.  and they were calibrated and marked. They work like
hot damn on VW's. And they are dirt cheap.

Is a VW fuse more critical than a house fuse ?  bet your ass.   Any fuse on DC is
difficult to design , because it is like a DC welder when it lets go. Get an arc going
and you got a fire.   On AC the problem is not so complicated. It will interrupt when
voltage go to ZERO.

If  you jumper   --- use say  #  20 or 22   if it is copper.

Remember in a short circuit situation  fuse will carry hundreds of amps for some time.

If a fuse is marked 50 Amps  ---it does not blow at 51 amps.   VW designed that
fuse to protect Rabbits from catching fire.

Have fun   


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