[Vwdiesel] jet-a powered aircraft

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Aug 13 21:21:37 EDT 2004

jet-A fueled piston engine makes atlantic crossing.
I've been following this for some time now, and these guys make a nice
powerplant.  Diesel of course.

James Hansen    was that crossing by boat ? .

IMHO  it will not fly ---- the bean counters will shoot it down.     A Lycoming 0-320
is one hard number to follow.

Too heavy  ,  too expensive  and not proven.      Great toy for a moneybags
experimenter in the USA.   ---- Remember I tangled with AC diesels in 1945.
Not one in a transport or a fighter  ----only in reco flying boats. (PBY style)

The fuel saving is not enough  IMHO.

Lycoming  --  NO radiator and liquid  .  Lycoming no expensive gearbox .

Lycoming can be fixed one cylinder at the time  ---- Thielert ? the whole mess
got to be shipped to Germany.

Sorry James   I am as hopeful that it will work , as anybody.    But if the Emperor
is NAKED   ---he has no gotchies on.

The weavers knows little of engines or it could be the translators.

Makes for good reading and I had a lot of fun with it here in sick-bay.-----shit I am

Thanks for posting.


PS: I like those big RADIALS.    P&W.    I was airborne in the Spruce Goose.

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