[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 114 ---( starving Rabbits ? --NO WAY )
h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Aug 23 16:33:46 EDT 2004
A fuel crisis for Rabbits ? relax --not ever.
In my fridge is a bunch of joints (I do not use) they are for friends. They have been there for years.
One observation I made was that those people ---have some form of magnification
of creative powers. And if they were faced with a shortage of Rabbit food ? they would have
a lot of solutions. ---
When did I first learn about the citrus diesel ? 1938 ---from an uncle. I bet Gary in Orlando
will get a lot of bangs out of this one.
It was Christmas time and he showed me that if you took a piece of orange peel
and bent it sharply and squeezed near a candle ? ---FLAMES . In other words the
skin of an orange contained a flammable liquid.
This morning I decided to see how many things would make a Rabbit move her ass.
Bunny Bondo.say.
The list is endless --- here are some samples ---- The fat of the fat lady ---liposuction---
fat of an Eel or an Ooligan------- whales -----Turkeys ---pigs ---- Loren does apple seeds contain Oil ?
>From trees? ---indeed --turpentine ----- rubber plant juice. --- maple juice ? --it is sugar and
sugar burns. ----- I had a riot with this one ---- some are funny as hell but they work.
Cost effective ? hell NO.---only DINO is that.--------BUT Canola is close.
In my home town , the Protectors confiscated all DINO --- them Tigers sure drink a lot of
DINO. That was in 1940 09 April . So we had to make do. Is there alternate fuel
for gassers as well ? bet your ass. Best of all ? CO. ----it is clean burning and easy to make.
Volvo is the grand master of CO use in cars. But even for airheads the list was
If this does not calm you down ? ---cannabis oil is for you. By the way I never
did find the cetane number for citrus oil. Canola is 50 or more.
Is UVO cost effective all around ? ---NO. not if you count your time etc. ---but like Sandy Cameron does it ? ----- for something to do ? you bet. I know one place on the beach here where
the stink of rancid oil is overpowering --bet I could get her old oil.
One good way to get that oil ? is to pay for the lab test.
I think the Lord is playing games with me ? why else do I have to work on the worlds biggest
Induction furnace (steel) the biggest drive in freezer ? the biggest continues casting machine ?
the worlds biggest single unit Paper and pulp complex and the Biggest Sawmill in the world. ?
And as a kid I had to go by the worlds biggest diesel every day ?
BUT then why would he not let me board the worlds biggest aircraft ? ---no way could I get aboard,
that mother.----- What the captain of that thing could make it do ---WOW --I shall never forget.
I am not sure that was not crazy flying.
Talking about BIG ---James Hansens --area has a wheat field so big that if it was Canola
we would have a surplus .
Other bigness in my life ? --the crawler in Florida --and the big scoop in Tennessee I had
nothing to do with them ---but they sure looked BIG.
BUT they ALL pale when compared to the BIG trees in California. Now that impresses me
a living being that big and OLD.----- I pray to GOD that they do not let loggers near those.
I tried to measure diameter at the ground ----bigger than 22 feet .
The local Mill Manager claimed that his mill used more water every day than New York.
I said sir I have been to New York and if everybody there flushes at the same time ---
that would be water enough to flush this town and your mill out in the Pacific.
A croakers ramblings ? YES. (sort of)
Ah hell what I could do with those Rabbits if I was 21 again.
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