[Vwdiesel] diesel scirocco

Chris Collin rangerdanger_svo at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 23 21:13:27 EDT 2004

SVO was added to my alias because I plan to use it in the future. I had to add a suffix to use my rightful nickname. There must be another
 ranger danger on yahoo mail somewhere, maybe at the forest service group.  He would
 know alot about those redwoods. .
I installed an unknown engine in the scirocco because
the price was right.  Now it runs, but pretty crummy.  We'll work on that.  A guy at work
 has a diesel rabbit and we'll take them to the feed mill to scale when I'm finished.  I plan
 on getting rid of the steel bumpers and replacing them with audi aluminum.  It is not a
 show car! Drag might be lower than the rabbit, but weight is probably equitable.
I am excited to see the mileage with the wide five speed box.  The conversion from gas to 
diesel was pretty simple.  The CIS wiring harness was removed in a modular fashion except for the coil lead.  The electrics for the diesel are simple.  I bypassed the fuel pump
 and accumulator and didn't even need to add more fuel hose underneath. (Hope the old
 gas hose holds up to diesel?)  The fuel lines terminate on the drivers side of the engine
bay.  I located the fuel filter there, with longer lines leading to the diesel pump.  There
was a blank grommet in the firewall for the cold start, and a factory perfect spot for the
pull knob under and to the left of the steering wheel (amazing!) I boogered up my attempt
 to change the tach over, as well as the glow plug light.  As my electronics experience
grows I'll give them both another shot.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll have time for a compression
 test. If you see a rusty-pocked scirocco trailing a rooster tail of black smoke on the
 highway in Wisconsin give me a wave!     

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