[Vwdiesel] Injection pump testing for beginners 3----( OLDRabbitsmostly )

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Wed Aug 25 06:58:02 EDT 2004

> That was in the early '90s.  Got my pump, started leaking like a sieve.
> Supposedly was some sort of class action case, but I never was able to
> find out anything about it.
> --
>    Roger

    IIRC, it was a typical class action settlement.  If you saved your fuel
receipts from CA vendors and joined the suit, you'd become eligible for
reimbursement.  It didn't cover a complete seal replacement, but did offer
some relief well after the fact.
    Few private automobile owners were notified, though, although truckers,
farmers, and fishermen were on the A list for notification.
    I've seen a couple of news reports that the Governator has proposed
re-formulating CARB and other regulatory agencies in order to make them
executive-appointed boards, rather than independent.  That might get
    Scott Kair

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