[Vwdiesel] Glow plug talk for beginners. ---( hagars version )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Dec 12 16:37:34 EST 2004

Yes Jack Frost is sneaking up on you ---so you better get that Block Heater going
and those Glowplugs  ---if you got a Rabbit.

I am talking to the the guys in the cold zones only.     The AC gang is on their own.

This is about Rabbits 1977 to  1984.    and Glowplugs. 

NO glow ?   NO go.  ---pure and simple.

So how do you put a GLOW on your Bunnys face ?  ----very tricky.   ---but it can be done.

Firstly   there are two basic types of systems.    The Old one  and the New one.

To tell what system is in your Rabbit ?   it could be either one.   Do a simple test as
Connect a simple pilot light to glow plug buz that you can see in drivers seat.
If light goes out the minute you use start switch ?  you got the Old system .
Old system will work with both New and Old style glowplugs.And mixed.
BUT NEW type system will not do with old glowplugs.     How do we identify
New style Plugs ?   ----usually they have a brass colored nut on top    ---the
old ones had a shiny like Aluminium colored nut on top.New ones have a very pointed end ?
the Old ones had a BLUNT end.    See them side by side ? No problemo.

All plugs use about 10 amps   ---- or  120 Watts.    ---- so as you can see the power is substantial..
Now the glowplug fuse is of interest to us (Hams)  it is an ideal SHUNT  for an amp meter.

Amp meter you say ?  ---yes I got a digital Multi meter from Canadian Tire on sale for about
14 dollars Canadian ---and it is great.   Hook it up across FUSE when you know all plugs are ok.
Then you can always check and see how many plugs are working `?.    Use the DC millivolt scale.

There will be 4  very easy to recognize steps.   ---- I use welcro on dash--- meter in place
works like crazy. I am sure you can find the meters for 10 bucks on sales.

I am electric smart ----and when I was looking at a mechanic ---testing glowplugs?
I said ----oh my lord what a waste of time.    I can do the same thing ---without disconnecting 
anything. In no time at all.

Trust me  ---NOT one wire has to be removed.      ----------- Now for that little nut that
you drop in that BLACK HOLE ?   ----that is the starting gate.

If you are really stupid ? you drop another one.

If NOT ?   read the Archives.   Loren was there I was There ---who was NOT ?.

Hagar .

PS :  more as time permit.

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