[Vwdiesel] Starting a COLD Rabbit ? -- ( the Rabbit in winter ? )

H . Hagar. h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Dec 24 12:54:48 EST 2004

This is Hagars winter # 73 .  ----     if you do not learn a few tricks after
73 winters ?    ----just a minute  ---- forget about diesels.

I have spendt a lot of time in archives --explaining how to do it.

I see the snow and ice   right now out east in OHIO and NY and so on.    When stuck for a night or two
on the interstate ?  ---that will sort the chaff from the ?   I have no speller.

So I say it again  :      Start at the BATTERY --- test it as told in Archives.--then
go to connections and cabling --YES the GROUND NUTMEG too.

Then glowplugs   ---Then oil dilution.    then Cetane improver  then Change oil to the
skinniest Synh oil you can get.    Then carry a big HUB cap and a bag of Charcoal briquettes.
AND MOST IMPORTANT ?   make a class A one jumper Cable from small superflex
welding cable. And carry two Starting fluid cans. (AS LAST RESORT)    LAST.
When the storm died down ?    out there on the  highway at Watertown ?   yes I was there in a
MGA  1957 gasser ----had to put the cap and wires on a stove in the back
of a greasy spoon.  Greasy or not   that little Restaurant owners were great --
let us stay all night sleeping on floor. FOR FREE.

Next day was blinding WHITE and still.------That enourmeous snow plow guy stopped and put a chain on my puny MGA --and in no time I was on my way to FLORIDA.

NEVER leave home without a FULL tank and a spare jug.

Forgot the emergency FOOD part   ---carry at least 4 big cans of ROVER dogfood.

Fire starter ?    is a must ---------I see a whole famely die in a car in a snowstorm
on Skagit Road ?   ...heartbreaking.

Yeah a big jug of Cider would be nice.--3 days in a snowdrift ?  is a long long time.

Especially if you have young kids along.    So if you got stuck there in a VW diesel
let us in on how you did.

Intertate 64 ? ----    poor thing she run out of diapers.   Here I am in Balmy BC. handing
out advice ?   go figure.          The phone at AAA ?  ---must have been ringing off
the hook.

Finding a White MGA is a snowdrift at watertown ?  ----not easy.

If you can ,  intall 3 blockheaters on your Rabbit diesel. Yes a 15 amp 110 volt
outlet will handle.


PS :   what is the house voltage in Finland ?.    my guess 220.
A  Warning in order  ---DO NOT use the charcoal to keep warm in car. The
CO will kill you.

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