[Vwdiesel] Christmas lament from Hagar.--- ( but of couse all the best to all of you. )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sat Dec 25 12:55:06 EST 2004

I can not find the right words to tell you all how important you
are in my life.

My last Email on   h_hagar was  17 Dec from Loren  ----so I had a Shalyn   computer
day today.

Had to install the old  ME harddrive ---- and sure as hell there was 89 Emails waiting.

Here I was not getting Emails from my family in Denmark ?   ----wait a minute 
something is wrong.  So my first reaction ?   THE SERVER ---screwed up again.

Not so  -----I forgot account name for Hagar.     My personal box is  svend AT  prcn.org
it was working.

Yes I PM with Doyt,Val,Loren,Fergus,Chuckie, and many more. .

Let me say that I enjoy  Limping ON stories a lot ---they show the ingenuity and skills we all need at times.

I will try to catch up on the Emails.


PS :   No I am not happy with MY Christmas   but not UNHAPPY  either.

HUMBUG ?    sort of.   ---- sure nice to get a computer going.   By the way
they are using Hillbilly armor in Iraq.   If a hillbilly saves your life ?
will you ever ridicule them again ?    

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