[Vwdiesel] Extreme car starting techniques. ( a Tv show by Val and Hagar . )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Feb 20 21:25:13 EST 2004

Just turn on the O2 and the C2H2 for 10 ---- and wroom you'r off
like a rocket.     Now playing with the torches just happen to be one of
my specialties. The " Neutral mix trick" I call it .  But Val be honest now,
how many times did you do that one ????.

While we are talking flames and ether and what not I looked at a bottle of
booze today and the bottle has a "Flame arrester" permanently installed.

Here is a technique that I am going to try for sure :   Mix about half and half
ether and diesel   --then top up pump at the top banjo  --- remove fuel from pump
first by suction. Would have done long ago , but ether is hard to find in this
sticks town.  If you try this trick ---- do not use cold start lever.

Ether hazards ????  one comes to mind , a cylinder firing on exactly TDC.
Yes my big Harley did just that , and blew a valve  complete with springs and seat
over a two story building.  Found pieces and used a razorblade annealed on the
gas burner in the kitchen to jam in the stripped thread. Hell I even made it to work
on time.

That was one of them Harley's , that kicked like a mule if you messed up.
Ignition control was a twistgrip on the left side.

A can of starting fluid makes one hell of a flame-thrower in the hands of a couple
of young boys. They found it in the back of a bobcat  and by the time I got
over to see what was going on.One was holding a bic lighter and the other
was holding the button down. Kind of brings back memories.

Oxygen hazards ????    one comes to mind ,  OIL and Oxygen.   All my life
older workers warned me about that combination. I still do not understand what the
problem is. However I did have to go to the funeral of a couple of men killed when a
brand new oxygen pipeline was turned on. Apparently grease or oil was present internally
in the steel line. Line was about 1000 feet long and diameter ? guess about 2 ".
Notice that the gauge on your ox regulator say--- USE NO OIL.


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