[Vwdiesel] Braking -- engine etc. ( injection pump as a brake ? )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jan 9 11:07:20 EST 2004

Loren said :

  As Lee pointed out.  The pump turns at HALF crank rpm so maximum 
rpm of the pump would be about 2700rpm and that's in the 1.5.  

Answer :   Hagar stands by his statement to the very word.   All the VW's
that I know of are ok at 5000 RPM going down that hill.

When the engine turns 5000  ---ah what the hell   4000RPM  the flyweights
thrash around at more than 4000 RPM.     The reason I use the word thrash.
Is the fact that they are about as streamlined as a 2B4-.

The fuel entering pump at inlet banjo is many many many times the volume
 fuel consumed by the engine.   I do not know for shure why the excess fuel
is taken all the way back to the tank ( on rabbits 1980 to 1984)  maybe it is
to make for cooling of pump.  ??? what do fellas think.      Hagar.

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