[Vwdiesel] Rubber hoses and motormounts---( how to oilproof )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Jan 13 11:25:36 EST 2004

Diesel fuel and lube oil softens some types of rubber if
immersed.   The rubber will swell like crazy. Try putting an
old piece of rubber in Varsol or Stoddard.   So can it be protected ?
yes indeed. Some people like specifics so here is what I have used
since 1957.  

Aircraft Zinc Chromate primer  (I use green # 800)  military spec stuff.

Randolph  brand is ok.  If you don't like green use # 656 yellow.

This coating is the best paint I ever used on anything.      What reasons?  said
Mark Laplante,    Well it dries like right now. It is tough as hell. In aircraft
it is used to seal bitumen paints before applying dope. 
A lot of cleaner would be ok on rubber  Dawn ?  why not. Some hoses come
with a wax coating hence the need for cleaning. TSP. fine  gasoline,naphtha come on
use your imagination ---never know you may make a great discovery. 
I learned from a woman pilot that nothing works better for removing black
exhaust stain, on a white fiberglass cowling      Than   Fantastik.
That was after trying every cleaner and solvent I could think of.  I have never seen this
primer peel crack or deteriorate in sunlight. It will stand an amazing amount of heat.
My exhaust pipes are coated. it is expensive and the fumes are bad.  IT is a partly
phenolic coating.

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