[Vwdiesel] Winter? what's that?... ;-)

cass iscass at shaw.ca
Thu Jan 15 00:45:19 EST 2004

  sssshhhh..dont tell them bout the flowers coming up..
  or the cherry trees beginning to bud...they'll all wanna move here!!!
  getting the mold n mildew n mushroomsfrom behind my rabbits back seat
  now, THAT'S  a winter problem!!!


  ((((now watch it freeze)))

    All this talk of cold weather starting sure makes me glad to live on 
    Vancouver Island! 

    Sure, we had a cold snap last week where it got to -14C, but that was 
    record breaking territory! Its been 5-10 above zero ever since though.

    I don't envy you guys - I started my old TD the day before it hit -14C, just 
    to check that the antifreeze was ok, and it was a tough start, even at -
    10C. (it's been off the road for 10 months).

    Sorry... that's my cold weather story - pretty sad, I know...

    ps: I once used a 500W halogen worklight under the oilpan in a garage to 
    get my Jetta D going at about -20C, I found out later that I had two dead 
    glow plugs...

    pps: Hey look, are those tulips coming up?  ;-)

    Shawn Wright
    '88 Westy 375k
    '85 Jetta D 263k
    '85 Jetta TD 482k (retired)
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