[Vwdiesel] starting a Diesel

Scott Kair scott3491 at insightbb.com
Thu Jan 15 05:37:18 EST 2004

    Something else worth considering in extreme cold weather starting is
condensation in door locks & latches and in the ignition switch.
    Lockthaw ( isopropyl alcohol aerosol) will not help you get into the car
if it's stored in the glove compartment.  Lube the latches and locks when
it's still warm outside.  Moly disulfide can be rough to remove from the
paint if it dries on the finish, so be sure to wipe it off at the time.
    I've had as much trouble from sticky ignition switches as from bad glow
plugs and other causes in deep cold, especially in A1s.  They're quite
vulnerable to moisture and crud buildup, so a periodic dosing with
electronic parts cleaner and lubing with molydi is part of my winter routine
    And don't underestimate the advice to use a 0wxx synthetic oil in the
crankcase.  It only got down to about -10F here last winter, but I was just
amazed at the difference it made in allowing the engine to spin over at
starting.  Oil also reaches operating pressure much more quickly.
    Good luck,
    Scott Kair

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