[Vwdiesel] 97 Passat window regulator failed again

Mad and Ed MadEd at gte.net
Thu Jan 15 15:55:22 EST 2004

Greetings from Seattle,

Well, the LF window regulator-raises and lowers the window- is ffailing 
again.   Makes the stripping sound.  I had the dealer repair it ~18m 
ago.  They tell me that there is no recall-service bulletin on the 97.  
The 2000+ are covered under recall.

Does anyone know if there is any coverage by VW for this?  It is 
apparently a chronic problem.

Edward Lowe
Seattle, WA
82 Westy Diesel upgraded to 1.9lt. Turbo
85 Golf Diesel 1.6lt NA
92 Cabrio 1.8lt gas
97 Passat Tdi

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