[Vwdiesel] Transmission Gearing with TD and TD options

Shawn Wright swright at zuiko.sls.bc.ca
Mon Jan 19 10:31:54 EST 2004

The Bentley suggests that for the early years, the NA and TD had the same trans in 
the A2s. I kept the ACW trans in my '85 when I installed a TD, and quite like the 
ratios - great for the relatively hilly terrain around here, where I can pull many hills 
in 5th gear with little effort, provided speed was above 80 km/h or so. If you do a lot 
of highway driving, you may want a taller 5th gear from a gas model. Keep in mind 
that all things being equal, the TD is far quieter than the NA, especially once revs 
climb above 3000 rpm. 3600 rpm is quite smooth in the TD, but could get annoying 
in the NA after a while...
As far as I know, the only definite factory mods for the TD are the firewall heat 
shield, larger rad, and possibly a two stage rad fan, for those cars that came with a 
single in the NA. Others can complete the list I'm sure...

On 19 Jan 2004 at 0:19, Val Christian wrote:

From:           	Val Christian <val at swamps.roc.ny.us>
To:             	vwdiesel at vwfans.com
Date sent:      	Mon, 19 Jan 2004 00:19:03 -0500 (EST)
Subject:        	[Vwdiesel] Transmission Gearing with TD and TD options

> A general question.   And a more specific question.
> Are TD 1.6 engines geared differently from NA 1.6 engines?
> I know that my 2003 TDI is geared VERY different from my '91
> 1.6 NA engine.
> Can anyone tell me what my TD mod options are for the 1.6 on the
> '91?
> Thanks.
> Val Christian
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Shawn Wright
'88 Westy 375k
'85 Jetta D 263k
'85 Jetta TD 482k (retired)
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