[Vwdiesel] Transmission Gearing with TD and TD options

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Thu Jan 22 21:15:50 EST 2004

> The torque peak is 1900 RPM.  But remains flat to about 4000 RPM IIRC.  HP
> peak is 3750 RPM IIRC.  So 2000 RPM at 60mph seems fine to me.  Of course
> you could always install the European 6 speed to lower the RPM's a bit.
> Christopher J. Thornton

There is a question as to whether there is adequate power at 2000 RPM.
Torque is only part of the equation.

On my 91, the top speed is between 83 and 86 depending upon temperature.
In warm temperatures, with a 40 MPH headwind, the car won't exceed 75,
and 72 is a more typical speed.  The speed is limited to two MPH slower
on wet pavement.  The airconditioning compressor is on.

Car has 200+kmiles, and an old compression reading was above 380 in all
cylinders.  There are other metrics, which I can't cite at the moment.

If torque remains flat from about 1900 to 3750-4000, then you'd want to 
see what the airspeed vs. ground speed differential was, to estimate
what the wind resistance losses are for the car.  Ultimately, you want
to make sure that the car has sufficient power at a normal cruise.  
Sufficient power, in my crude estimation, is power to handle an extra
30 MPH wind.  

Wind losses are normally the square of the airspeed.


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