[Vwdiesel] Handling quality --- ( of Rabbits )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Fri Jan 30 20:08:58 EST 2004

1984 1.6L turbo  Rabbit.        Normal handling ?   superb (50 psi front)  .

This afternoon coming home from town I was faced with wet snow on the driveway.

No way was that rabbit going up that hill , even taking a run at it.  Now the driveway is WIDE
so sliding sideways I finally got the front pointed downhill.
Well blow my socks.  From a dead start on the hill it sailed up in reverse like nobody's
business.  ---- Explain that one  " Charlie Brown ".-.

Why would anybody put power steering on one of these ???   it reminds me of my
old MGA.  in lightness.    If yours is not like that  spay LOTS of Dow dry moly spray on rack.

PS:   West Texans -- try this technique in dust or mud.   LOL. (my favorite stomping ground)

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