[Vwdiesel] Rabbit droppings # 96 ---( spoiling hagar )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Tue Jul 6 13:42:22 EDT 2004


You mention the integration of electronics and injection pumps.... If you
have the opportunity, drive one of the TDI VW diesels. On second thought,
don't, because you will be spoiled. 

Spoiling Hagar ?   --- not a chance ----  you cant spoil a rotten egg.  I worked with an
old guy and he had two sayings that stuck with me. Rotten egg was one and
"You cant sometimes always win"  was the other. Bless his soul he died from tobacco.

IMHO -- if you are a genius at 50   you were a genius at 5 --- blessed or cursed depending.

Take a good close look at a HP --Jet printer ----  injection system -- perfected.(genius involved).

I know what you are hinting at LEE  ----and I am trying to get a ride in a TDI. I had
a Golf TDI on order last year ,  but the 1984 Rabbit turbo ---is spoiling me every day.
The stealership had a hard time filling orders.(black only , shit I want light blue)

I cherish my Hillbilly image --- a lot.  -- sort of being a Mother Theresa ( Teresa?) for Rabbits.
NO cat scans no MRI's--- but simple treatment that works.

For hillbilly TUNING of a Rabbit no laptop needed ---not even a dial indicator or
a compression gauge.-----but you must pay close attention , and listen when
the rabbit talks to you.

A Rabbit 19xx will limp home if someone steals the battery ---try that with your TDI.

I am here to help the temporarily "Down on the luck"  the others really do not need

But I am all for high tech answers to pollution and shortage of oil. A 1980 Rabbit
will beat the pants of a 2004 Hybrid gasser any day of the week.-- Now that indicates
the Hybrids are a promotion gimmick. --- To sell cars they stick in a stack of D cells
and pretend it is a partly electric (clean) car.   wrong, BUT they are pointing the way.

For those of you with dual beam oscilloscopes, to check dynamic timing is a piece of cake.
If you have a Gasser type timing light -- it can be made to do a Rabbit. 

Rambling with a BIG glass of V8 in my hand. ----V8 juice ?.


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