[Vwdiesel] 85 Golf

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Thu Jul 8 20:59:14 EDT 2004

> It looks like 
> changing the belt pretty much means removal of the alternator to access 
> the AC compressor bolts to remove that belt first. Is this correct? Why 
> would Bentley only address the easiest option?

  You got it.  You could/should be able to do it without pulling the alt 
but it's quicker and easier just to pull it.  There's a tensioning bolt to 
pull the compressor.  Usually there's an ear or two broken from the 
compressor.  Be sure you have all 4 bolts loosened on it before you 
try to tension or release tension.  Then put the alt back on and a 
tensioning bolt adjusts the tensioning pulley.  Check the bearing 
in that tensioner while you're there.  A replacement bearing is a 
few bucks, a replacement tensioner is about $60+!   Check the 
belt alignment while you're messing.  I had to grind about 3/16 
(most of the first step) off of the tension pulley stand to get mine to line 

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