[Vwdiesel] Duh wrong site

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Fri Jul 9 19:02:11 EDT 2004

Sorry for the OT posting.. watched it disappear before I could stop myself...:o(
Back to Hagars mean-ness [leanness] good results [ for a Rabbit ;op ]
I'll try a run for fun
 in a measured jar; tar-
morrow [or Sunday]
I assume you set your jar up and allowed the engine to idle to prime the system and then mark the fuel level..else your results may be better than apparent...
My Quantum does 45mpg [US] at 65- 70ish turbo 2lb/sq in ...ish    (KKK types)
What determines steady state (cruisin') lb/sq in? I think this one on my wagon maxes out at about 9lb but on the saloon will go over 10lb..I don't know what this one's steady pressure is because its not road legal and the local Babylon  come out of the woodwork like deathwatch beetles from a creosoted log

Mark (The Miser)Uk 
"There's nothing more stimulating than driving past a bonfire and then realising it's your car that's smokin"


Whatever you Wanadoo:

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