[Vwdiesel] compression test results on stinky ('89 1.6 na)
James Hansen
jhsg at sasktel.net
Sun Jul 18 01:26:55 EDT 2004
Bart the Bon-Ami trick is the real thing ---recommended by GM . It is used
as an abrasive
to get the rings to seat and deglaze the cylinder walls.
I never used it because I can not get it here. I have an engine just
waiting for the stuff.
Go to your friendly neighborhood greenhouse and pick up some enviro friendly
diatomaceous earth. I'm thinking that is what the abrasive in bon ami is...
if nothing else, the fine silica skeletons will polish something in there.
I would however offer the disclaimer that I would not recommend putting it
in an engine. Just seems wrong. Better to disassemble and do things right.
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