[Vwdiesel] Hydraulics...

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jul 19 22:22:35 EDT 2004

My education has taken a great leap forward since I stumbled in here. But there is
still a way to go before I am satisfied.

Most anything from Val Christian seems to agree with my understanding of Physics
and behavior of energy.   We are discussing waste heat in the VW Rabbit diesels.
All that heat comes from the fuel ergo less heat loss , more miles.

The energy needed to run a governor is part of the picture. The Bosch VE flyball
governor would use less energy if the balls were rotating in a vacuum. (IMHO)
quite a bit.Now they are running completely immersed in fuel.

We have a good picture to work with now ---- we have some temperatures and flow rates.
and pressures.    By the way all my driving is still done using the big pickle jar. I was
surprised how much the fuel is heated up.  There are 4 balls (square blocks of steel) and
they rotate at a bit less than engine speed.So we are talking about thousands of RPM.
Return flow to tank is about 25 to 50 liters per hour. 

Vane Pump can be seen as a standard hydraulic pump pumping through a pressure relief
valve set at 100 psi.    so there is heat produced there  as well as all the other
places we discussed.      It took little driving to warm the fuel in jar to 130 F. from say 60 F.


PS: No need to warm the fuel today. 

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