[Vwdiesel] More Wheel Bearing fun!

cass iscass at shaw.ca
Thu Jul 22 02:11:35 EDT 2004

i just had this happen last week on mynew bearings (2000km on them)(81
right rear had stuck on like yours.
was humming..i think original reason for failure was i didnt pack
enuff grease
into bearing....took drumb off..and same as yours..shaft was ok..was a
b%&ch  to get off!!
seems guy at parts store had the same problem..he surmised that when
he put on outer dust cap..possibly pressure popped the inner dust seal
off or loose or something...
regardless..he dosent trust them anymore.
with  a new bearing kit,
it comes with dust/seal...he replaced seal with one that was more like
the usual seals from shafts /cam n stuff...
um..the original dust seal has a shoulder? this new one didnt.
dose this make sense?
says it stays on better..
so far so good.


It's a 1981 Rabbit.  I did install the dust seal.  The bearing got
stuck to the stub axle, just like the old one did.

It's a really strange problem.  I haven't seen it before, and was
hoping that one of you had.


On Jul 21, 2004, at 10:19 PM, Shawn Wright wrote:

> On 21 Jul 2004 at 21:04, Matt <matt_lisa at sprynet.com> wrote:
>> I was replacing the drum brakes on the drivers side this time, and
>> when
>> I pulled off the drum, the inner bearing was really stuck to the
>> axle.  I had a devil of a time removing it.  Once I got it off, I
>> replaced the brakes, packed the inner bearing, seated it in the
>> put the seal on, and started to mount the drum on the axle.  As I
>> placed the drum on, it made a strange grindy noise, so I pulled it
>> again.  The new bearing and seal were stuck on the axle again.  It
>> took
>> lots of force to remove them, just like the old ones.
>> Here's a picture of the old one stuck to the axle:
>> http://matt_lisa.home.sprynet.com/drumbefore.jpg
>> Do I need a new stub axle on this side?  or should I just put it
>> together and drive it?

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