[Vwdiesel] (off) Ford Tractor Diesel

Val Christian val at swamps.roc.ny.us
Sat Jul 24 21:21:50 EDT 2004

A friend of mine has a Ford 1710 compact diesel tractor (I have a 1510).
His machine has about 4000 hours on the engine, and he contacted his 
local dealer and asked about a "tune-up", which would include testing
and adjusting (or perhaps replacing the core) of the injectors.
He was told he didn't have enough hours for them to consider it.
His only complaint is sometimes it's difficult to start in the winter.
(I use a block heater on mine when it's below 20F.)

I was kinda surprized that the dealer was turning away business on a
4000 hour engine.  Anyone else have any compact Ford tractor experience?

Yes, I know that there are several websites dealing with the Ford 
machines of various vintages...but we have so much relevant experience


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