[Vwdiesel] (off) Ford Tractor Diesel

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Sun Jul 25 13:54:46 EDT 2004

I was kinda surprized that the dealer was turning away business on a
4000 hour engine.  Anyone else have any compact Ford tractor experience?

Wish I could find a stealership like that--- tell him he is lucky.    And help him tune the
starting system instead.

If he was my friend he would have no problems starting in the winter. 

A good diesel should last 4000 hours without tune up.  Cranking RPM is

On 12 volt starters I add 6 volt for cold starts.


PS:   40 HP turbine ?  Earlier this year I bought a 40hp turbine, for about $600K
is that  600 000 dollars ?  Was it from an APU ?.

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