[Vwdiesel] Mileage test 84 Rabbit. --- ( hagars Pickle Jar day ? )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Wed Jul 28 22:05:27 EDT 2004

Conclusion ?  -- yes I know  , but Mark Shepherd wanted me to do one more test.

The Passat woman from Sunland CA. ?  Sigrid the crazy cat woman wants me to come to her place and sit and call the CATS ---  Lenora her sister had the CAT  escape with 3 kittens.
So here is an excuse for a TEST run.

Distance ?   13.5 Km  exactly each way. Total fuel used ?   1.3 Litre. by Pyrex beaker.

The only CAT I know something about drinks diesel NOT milk. This was the first
I saw of the new house---- it was impressive--  a REAL  log cabin oozing with
character ---moss on the roof --- love it.

THE cat ?    Shady Lady  a wild domestic calico cat that came in here and dropped 5 kittens under a piece of plywood. So under pressure from two sisters (real cute both) and
six cats ? --yes I  capitulated.

Rabbits are standing in line waiting for my attention. Cats come first.

I do not think either sister had kids --so maybe this Cat thing is an expression of
mother hood.  --- Lenora has 45 critters and Sigrid has 30  --so you think I am in
troubles ? you better. 

Travel speed to Sigrids ? 80 to 90 most of the way.(Km).   Turbo showing about 3 to 5 psig
steady. No use of LDA.

Mark Shepherd  I am not going to test mileage on canola  --the sample would be too small.
Look up energy and compare to diesel. I think it is slightly less for canola.

I can feel a vanilla ice cream attack coming on   ---have fun.


PS:   If you come by and some old idiot sits there meowing --you know where you are.

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