[Vwdiesel] piston meets combustion chamber plug

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Wed Jul 28 22:52:01 EDT 2004

  I like that, a VW diesel piston right next to the crystal dish.  :)  Ring 
looks a tad BIG too.  A friend picked up a Rabbit that was even uglier 
than that.  Head broke off the exhaust valve and bounced around punching 
the piston, cylinder and head.
  I've never understood explaining the procedure to clean the prechamber.  
I've been into a couple of them and they just don't seem to need anything!  
I ceramic coated the ones on mine and/or Dad's  (don't remember for sure
which or both).  That requires pulling them.  Dad's were a bit loose so I 
had to knock them out, clean them well, knock the area around them back 
to flat and even peen one to get it tight.  Makes sense to inspect but to 
remove?  No way.

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