[Vwdiesel] (off) Ford Tractor Diesel

Erik Lane erikjlane at yahoo.com
Thu Jul 29 02:27:57 EDT 2004

well, like i asnwered the other post - this surprises
me but you should know better than me.

i'm sure someday i'll come across a turbo engine to
play with. unfortunately right now i don't have any.
i'm looking forward to getting to see what it's all

still seems to good to be true - like you're getting
something for nothing!! :)

thanks for explaining the 'more work but smoother so
less instantaneous loads.' i don't understand why that
would be, but at least it would explain things.


--- LBaird119 at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 7/27/2004 2:37:44 AM Pacific
> Standard Time, 
> erikjlane at yahoo.com writes:
> > do you disagree with that? seems obvious to me -
> if
> > the turbo is getting more power out of the engine
> then
> > it is working it harder and definitely putting
> more
> > stress on the engine.
>  Everything I've read tends to indicate that it
> doesn't.  More torque through 
> the crank but power is smoother so less
> loading/shock to the crank trying to 
> catch up constantly, cooler rings, valves.  Most
> stuff says rings should last 
> LONGER in a TD.  Rattling is generally much quieter
> which would indicate 
> a smoother prissure rise which would smooth out
> crank, rod and pin loading.
> If you don't turn the pump up a bunch it'd run quite
> a bit cooler rather than 
> a 
> little, plus give more power but not an astounding
> amount.  It all depends on 
> how you set it up.
>      Loren

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