[Vwdiesel] Brakes ------ ( repair to REAR Rabbit brakes ) a

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Jun 7 23:02:14 EDT 2004

The mallet trick. :    

How to use the mallet. ----- it is used to shift shoes up and down and
left and right . To facilitate easy removal and installation of springs.

After taking the two upper bolts from axle take whole assembly and put
on workbench.

Tap axle away from backplate.       Loosen two screws holding cylinder
(do not remove now)

With plate-- shoes towards you move handbrake lever as far towards front (of car)
as you can.  If done right it will lock in place and cylinder can now be removed.

Then we release handbrake lever by tapping gently in the right place. Hang on to
it or keep fingers away from nipp.   Remember the pushbar spreads the shoes to
remove cylinder so the spring up top is in tension.
Remove the two keepers and springs from middle of shoes.

Then use mallet to drive shoes up or down till bottom comes off bottom pushblock .
That releases tension on bottom spring.Simply remove using fingers.

Rest is straight forward.    


Assembly instructions may follow.

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