[Vwdiesel] Shawn's got that 'Crunchie' feeling

Mark Shepherd mark at shepher.fsnet.co.uk
Wed Jun 9 08:30:46 EDT 2004

"I confirmed today what I've been suspecting - the crunching noise opening 
the driver's door is not a door catch lever, but actually a broken hinge weld. :-(
Where the lower hinge is welded to the door, it appears the weld is cracked, 
allowing for 1/16" movement in/out when the door is closed. Has anyone 
seen this before? Any ideas how to fix? I'd rather fix it *before* the door falls 
Miser says:
It'll need welding for sure ... 
but before find out why it broke...
I've known hinges to be poorly aligned from day 1 and will always strain when opened...
It could simply be stiff from rust...
Test by:
 1) noting how much flexion there is as you move door back and forward...
2) oil hinge and see if crack in weld stops opening/reduces somewhat..
3) if 2) works then simply weld back up...but
4) if still binding then problem may be alignment/ [and  stiffness].. cure for which is comlete detachment at pillar and 'tacking on' until smooth movement achieved

Mark (The Miser)Uk 
"There's nothing more stimulating than driving past a bonfire and then realising it's your car that's smokin"


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