[Vwdiesel] Re: Oil in CV Boot
Nate Wall
natewall1 at yahoo.com
Wed Jun 9 08:36:50 EDT 2004
When I replaced my drive axle seal and drive flange I
found it impossible to keep from permanently
distorting/bending the spring clip that retains the
drive flange. With the flange spring compressed, I
would expand the "C" clip just enough to slide over
the axle shaft, but it would permanently bend it to a
larger size. I used the special "C" clip pliers too. I
bent it back several times and I think it got a little
weaker w/ each bend. When I decided not to try
anymore, the "C" clip was installed, but it looked as
if it was not fully recessed in its recess on the
final drive shaft. I figured if it was going to let
loose, it would do it soon after I got my Jetta back
on the road. That was about 5 years ago, so I guess
its OK. I'm still baffled as to how to get the clip on
w/out bendiing it. The one that was originally on
there was recessed fully and not bent.
--- Shalyn Shourds <sshourds at flash.net> wrote:
> > After chatting with Sandy Cameron, Im kinda
> worried that I have a
> > problem causing this seal to be destroyed.
> Specifically, incorrect
> > front end geometry. The car was in an accident on
> the drivers front
> > corner. It has been aligned since, but maybe the
> geometry has changed
> > slightly.
> Once upon a time, I blew one of those seals also.
> What happened on mine
> was that the circlip that holds the inner CV joint
> on the axle popped
> off and the axle was able to slide in and out of the
> joint enough to
> batter the seal. That circlip isn't spring
> steel--just regular old
> steel. If you're replacing a boot on a piece of
> %^*# rebuilt joint in
> the Texas summer sun, sometimes you forget to pay
> attention to some of
> those details.... I think I'm going to have to end
> up buying new
> joints. Haven't got a good rebuilt CV joint in a
> long time.
> -Shalyn
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