[Vwdiesel] New to list

LBaird119 at aol.com LBaird119 at aol.com
Sun Mar 7 18:51:36 EST 2004

 Some have noted apparent gains in economy through the use of various
fuel additives, but that can be opening a can of worms here. :)  

  I'll throw a couple worms in here.  :)  I think most agree that Stanadyne
is a good/great addative.  The figuring I did and Jake did both come out 
with the gain in economy paying for the addative.  2 Cycle oil likewise.  
I think I was getting a little better than cost payoff.  :)  You also get 
the gains of lower smoke, better power, smoother running and quieter 
idleing on a warm engine.  :)

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