[Vwdiesel] Fuel ---- ( in kalifornia -- issue )

H.Hagar h_hagar at prcn.org
Mon Mar 8 13:59:43 EST 2004

My friend Scott Kair mentioned :

Hagar noted
that it might be prudent to look into the issue due to possible pump seal
issues with CA fuel.

Doug  Ferguson. :  English is not my first language so maybe I said it wrong.
I meant to warn you about lubricity of fuel ---or lack thereof . These  VE pumps  
are very sensitive to lack of lube. One bad fillup could ruin pump.
The history of Kalifornia diesel fuel is legend. Almost started a trucker war.
An absolutely fantastic lube is Aircraft EE 120   Exxon EE 120  great fuel
---   ash ?    in book it say NIL.       ashless is anything less than 0.1 (ESSO)
Diesel lubes (dino) are generally high in SASH   And syn are even higher.Sounds
like you have aircraft connection. (lots here have). Best pump lube should be high
cetane , ashless  and not harm rubber parts inside pump.One more thing it should
increase viscosity if possible. (to do with timing on old 1985 or older VW's)
Many years before I got trapped by a Bunny  I started adding canning vax to bad dieselfuel
it is absolutely super.   The fuel troubles started at the time the sulfur had to be removed.
I was asked many times how much AV oil to use.  Use to the point where you think about cost.
A quart in a fillup ? sure why not.   ----    but let me explain ones more how I came to
use Aviation lube (piston) oil as a fuel.   My Bunny driver was the 1982 1.6L NA manual 4 and it was
tired when I got it. At a certain hill it was 3 gear and black smoke all the way up.
Meanwhile I had to get rid of cases and cases of expired Aviation oil. ESSO AD-120 and 100.
So what better way than to ad it to the diesefuel ?  Wonder how much it will burn ?  so I kept
increasing the amount. One day the sound of engine became mellow ? well it sure sounded a lot
different.Then I got to the hill and it breezed up that hill with no smoke.--- then I reported it in this
forum as "My Bunny she smokes no more".    WHY ? WHY ?.
Nothing was done to that Rabbit --before this --     It was the lube that did it.
Yeah It breezed up that hill in high gear 4 .  I shall keep you on needles if you are a newbie.


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